warranty and returns

Find a water filter system for your home, camp, RV or multi-family dwelling.
Warranty and Returns
Please inspect the system when you receive it as your product was inspected prior to shipping. If there is a concern, please contact us prior to installation so that we can work together to remedy the situation.
Systems must be installed by a licensed plumber or certified installer in your state or location to extend the warranty from 6 months to 3 years. We highly recommend that the installer contacts us before the start of installing and all kits come with installation instructions.
Manufacturer specifications state that the temperature ranges are between 42 and 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Allowing your system to freeze or overheat will nullify the warranty.
The manifold has been inspected for any defects or damage. If the gauges are overtightened it will crack the manifold and there is no repair, you will have to purchase another one as this would be considered excess wear & tear. All components of the manifold require Thread Tape only (no glues or adhesives, use of these will void the warranty); if there are any preliminary leaks, the installation needs more tape applied.
Jen-Loc offers a 6 month money back guarantee if you are unsatisfied with the success of the system and all efforts have been made to remedy the situation.
The product will need to be returned in good condition and does not include installation and shipping charges. We are confident that you will be happy with your Jen-Loc Pure Water Filtration System and are available to discuss and give advice.