a miracle cleaner

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MolecuLoc Absorbent Material:
A Miracle Cleaner
Jen-Loc holds a distributorship for a phenomenal line of products to be used as residential, commercial, disaster and pollution restraint and removal. This line of products has been patented since 2009 and although the same base zeolite material, it has a vastly different application than the water treatment media.
Clean Up With A Kick
Moleculoc was named after the concept of molecules of contaminants being locked away; while this product has been on the market since the early 2000’s, it has a long history in science as performing this service. Clinoptilolite Zeolite has an incredible natural affinity to do what we consider absorbing, but the process is actually adsorption. The definition of Adsorption “the adhesion in an extremely thin layer of molecules (as of gases, solutes or liquids) to the surfaces of solid bodies or liquids with which they are in contact.” This product encapsulates the contaminant and won’t let it go, which makes it ideal for water, land and biohazard spill control and recovery. Best of all it is re-usable and 100% natural.
Use for spills of…
ethanol, gasoline, diesel, motor and gear oils, transmission fluids, glycols, coolants, greases, battery acid, machine oils, paints/varnishes, lacquers, thinners, and any other petroleum-based hydrocarbon liquids. For oil/fuel, industrial, transportation, land use.
Visit MolecuLoc.com for access to variable applications and specific technical information.
Contact us today at Jen-Loc to discuss your application needs and place an order.
30 Years Manufacturing Floor
A local manufacturer plant floor with 30 years of traffic, residual and chemicals soaked into the shop floor was slippery when humidity was high and not only made for an unsafe work surface, but nothing to date could clean it. This project was performed over about a 3 hour period and small areas were treated and then alternated to show effect. Project space was roughly 600 sq. ft. over 3 hours with single application of 40# of the MolecuLoc, reused over 3-4 times and still had plenty of use left to apply.
Start with a swept clean area, apply a cleanser such as Simple Green to re-hydrate the stain or spill, let sit a minimum of 15 minutes, sprinkle MolecuLoc adsorbent media and let sit for 20-30 minutes. If you clean the edges you will see it already working to lift the molecular compounds of the spill and render it into separate molecular form, changing its structure and entity, encapsulating it inside the media, and rendering the floor clean. The resulting material is able to be re-used multiple times and classified as a NON-Hazardous material.
30 Years Manufacturing Floor
Quick Tidbits
MolecuLoc has a porous structure that can accommodate a wide variety of cations, such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+and others. These positive ions are rather loosely held and can readily be exchanged for others in a contact solution. This property of positive and negative ions, when used as a spill mitigation application, encapsulates the Hydrocarbon Molecules and electronically binds those molecules to the MolecuLoc product.
Alumina Silicate has been characterized as a carcinogenic if sized less than 3 microns. MolecuLoc is purposely built to be over 5 microns and is determined to be non-carcinogenic.
MolecuLoc’s current source is environmentally friendly with an extensive topsoil reclamation program. Since the principal raw material used to manufacture MolecuLoc is Amorphous Silica, which is among the most abundant mineral components on earth, the potential to supply large quantities of MolecuLoc sources are virtually unlimited.
Commercial and Domestic Uses
Amorphous Alumina Silica is widely used as ion-exchange beds in domestic and commercial water purification, softening, and other applications. In chemistry, these sieves are used to separate molecules (only molecules of certain sizes and shapes can pass through), and as traps for molecules so they can be analyzed.
Silicas have the potential of providing precise and specific separation of gases including the removal of H2O, CO2 and SO2 from low-grade natural gas streams. Other separations include noble gases, N2, O2, Freon and Formaldehyde. However, at present, the true potential to improve the handling of such gases in this manner remains unknown.
MolecuLoc also serves as a fire suppressant when broadcast over a spill. Because it encapsulates the liquid, it interferes with the fumes required for ignition. MolecuLoc can be reused up to ten times (depending on viscosity) before being discarded to the landfill making it price efficient and an environmentally sound product.