the bottom line

Find a water filter system for your home, camp, RV or multi-family dwelling.

Say goodbye to acid neutralizers, aeration, chemical water softeners and salt, activated charcoal, reverse osmosis and more. Jen-Loc's zeolite filter systems are the ONE solution to common – and not-so-common – water problems.
What makes the Jen-Loc solution special?
What if your Municipal water tests positive for PFAS and it already tastes and smells like chlorine and iron? What about the contaminants you can’t taste? Fluoride, arsenic, radon gas/radium/uranium, THM’s, nitrates, pharmaceuticals and PFAS: you can’t see them or smell them or taste them.
Wouldn’t you like to know that you had chosen a treatment option to remove any of those possible contaminants and have some peace of mind? Now you could do it with a natural filtration without chemicals, and at a fraction of the cost.
Are you buying bottled water because your tap water smells, tastes bad or you think it holds toxins? Research shows that most on the market are no better than municipal water that has been treated with chemicals to make it “safe” then sits in a plastic bottle until you open it and drink it.
The average consumption of micro plastics is equal to a credit card, in 1 week…1 week! Hold 52 credit cards together and you have 1 year. It doesn’t all come from bottled water, but it comes collectively from everything we touch.
Join us in making YOUR water clean and safe, for family, pets and our future generations.
Bottom Line
There are no bells and whistles with our system. No fancy add on’s when you find something new in your water as a contaminant. Our products offer REAL peace of mind that you are doing the best for you, your loved ones, your neighbors, your community, your State, the surrounding States, your Region, your County and for all future generations.
To us, THAT is the description of a top notch product to invite into your home, your business, your municipality.
We hope that you will ask a LOT of pointed questions of the businesses out there trying to promote the Next Best Thing and get into your wallet.
Our natural Zeolite, in ALL of our treatment cartridges, is certified GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the EU/EPA, NSF/ANSI Standard 50, 61, 372 Approved and listed with the WQA (Water Quality Association). It is referred to as an All Natural and Non-Biodegradable Material.
When you are done looking at it as a water filtration media, it can also be used to re-mediate contaminated soils, clean up environmental spills, remove radiation…the list can go on.
Contact us today if you would like to discuss a real option that you can feel good about.
We are an environmentally friendly company eager to assist you and we are proud of it!
AquAmerica Clinoptilolite Zeolite
This media is a natural and non-biodegradable, hyper porous volcanic material. It is certified GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the EU/EPA and NSF Approved and listed with WQA (Water Quality Association).
NSF/ANSI Standards 50, 61 and 372 meets requirements to be used as a filter media for swimming pool and drinking water filtration and be designated as “Lead Free.”
The media is best described as a natural molecular sieve and comes from the most pure (certified 98.44%) Clinoptilolite deposits presently known in North America.
Link: PDF spec sheet